Terminal Guide

Set Top and Bottom Margins (DECSTBM)

ESC1B[5B top ;3b bottom r72
top = 1
bottom = see description

Set Top and Bottom Margins

If bottom is not specified, 0 or bigger than the number of the bottom-most row, it is adjusted to the number of the bottom most row.

If top < bottom set the top and bottom row of the scroll region according to top and bottom and move the cursor to the top-left cell of the display (when in cursor origin mode is set to the top-left cell of the scroll region).

Otherwise: Set the top and bottom row of the scroll region to the top-most and bottom-most line of the screen.

urxvt ( )

🛆 top == bottom sets the scroll region to the whole screen.

vte ( ✓ )

🛆 If bottom is 0, it is not adjusted to the number of the bottom most row.

konsole ( ✓ )

🛆 If bottom is bigger than the number of the bottom-most row, the sequence is ignored.

linuxvc ( ✓ )

🛆 If bottom is bigger than the number of the bottom-most row, the sequence is ignored.