Terminal Guide

Set Cursor Position (CUP)

ESC1B[5B row ;3b column H48
row = 1
column = 1

Move cursor to the position indicated by row and column

If column is 0, it is adjusted to 1. If column is greater than the right-most column it is adjusted to the right-most column.

If row is 0, it is adjusted to 1. If row is greater than the bottom-most row it is adjusted to the bottom-most row.

column = 1 is the left-most column. row = 1 is the top-most row.

This unsets the pending wrap state without wrapping.

If cursor origin mode is set the cursor row will be moved relative to the top margin row and adjusted to be above or at bottom-most row in the current scroll region.

If origin mode is set and left and right margin mode is set the cursor will be moved relative to the left margin column and adjusted to be on or left of the right margin column.