Terminal Guide

Change/Read Pointer Inlet Color

ESC1B ]5D 1331 33 ;3b text ESC1B \5C

Change/Read pointer inlet color.

Use text as color description to set the pointer inlet color. This color is used for the inner part of the mouse pointer.

For supported color formats see change/read palette color.

urxvt ( ✔ )

This only works when themed cursors are deactivated (https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=466704#135)

xterm ( ✔ )

🛈 If mode reverse display colors is active this sequence and change/read pointer mask color switch their meaning. The cursor colors are visually switched when changing reverse display colors, while the values readable via sequences stays the same. 🛈 xterm supports falling through into change/read pointer mask color when given additional ;3b  separated colors. 🛈 This only works when themed cursors are deactivated (https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=466704#135)