Terminal Guide

Tab Clear (TBC)

ESC1B[5B cmd g67
cmd = 0

Clear tab stops.

If cmd is 0, set the column that the cursor is on to be not a tab stop.

IF cmd is 3, remove all tab stops.

urxvt ( ✔ )

cmd = 5 is an alias for cmd = 3.

vte ( ✔ )

konsole ( ✓ )

If cmd is 0 and the cursor is in pending wrap state, this sequence does not have any effect.

TODO: If cmd is 3 tab stops beyond the end of the screen might not be cleared? (might be observable after later resize)

linuxvc ( ✓ )

🛆 With `cmd´ = 0, uses current cursor column modulo 256 as tab position to erase.