Terminal Guide

Erase Character (ECH)

ESC1B[5B amount X58
amount = 1

Erase amount cells to the right starting from (including) the current cursor position, by replacing all cells with spaces.

If amount is 0, adjust it to 1.

Protected cells (see start protected area and select character protection attribute) are not erased by this sequence.

If the erase splits a multi cell character that character is erased by replacing it with spaces, keeping its current attributes.

This unsets the pending wrap state without wrapping.

The erased space is colored according to the current SGR state.

Does not change the cursor position.

urxvt ( ✓ )

🛆 If pending wrap state is set, wraps and indexes. 🛆 If amount is 0, does not adjust it to 1. 🛆 cells belonging to split multi-cell characters are erased with the SGR state of the first cell of that character.

vte ( ✔ )

🛈 The value of amount is limited to 65535.

konsole ( ✓ )

🛆 does not unset pending wrap state. 🛈 TODO investigate how splitting multi cell characters works here in detail.

linuxvc ( ✓ )

🛆 Does not erase split multi cell characters. (linuxvc uses 2 replacement characters for multi cell characters)