Terminal Guide

Insert Line (IL)

ESC1B[5B amount L4c
amount = 1

Insert amount lines at the current cursor row. The contents of the line at the current cursor row and below (to the bottom-most line in the scrolling region) are shifted down by amount lines. The contents of the amount bottom-most lines in the scroll region are lost.

This unsets the pending wrap state without wrapping.

If the current cursor position is outside of the current scroll region it does nothing.

If amount is greater than the remaining number of lines in the scrolling region it is adjusted down (still allowing for scrolling out every remaining line in the scrolling region)

In left and right margin mode the margins are respected; lines are only scrolled in the scroll region.

If the cell movement splits a multi cell character that character cleared, by replacing it by spaces, keeping its current attributes.

All cleared space is colored according to the current SGR state.

Moves the cursor to the left margin.

urxvt ( ✓ )

🛆 if the cursor is above the current scroll region it acts as if the top of the scrolling region was set to the top-most row of the screen. 🛆 If pending wrap state is set, wraps and indexes. 🛆 Does not move the cursor to the left margin (unless pending wrap was set)

vte ( ✓ )

🛆 if the cursor is above the current scrolling region: scrolls remaining lines until bottom most line of scroll region.

konsole ( ✓ )

🛆 does not unset the pending wrap state. 🛈 Before version 21.12.0, if the cursor is above the current scrolling region: scrolls remaining lines until bottom most line of scroll region. 🛈 Before version 21.12.0, when scrolling the full scrolling region size the last line is not scrolled out. 🛆 Does not move the cursor to the left margin

linuxvc ( ✓ )

🛆 if the cursor is above the current scrolling region: scrolls remaining lines until bottom most line of scroll region. 🛆 Does not move the cursor to the left margin 🛆 When the cursor is on the bottom-most line of the current scrolling region, it does not scroll/erase that line. 🛆 amount = 0 is adjusted to 1.