| | |
urxvt |
xterm |
vte |
konsole |
linuxvc |
other |
2 | | Disable Keyboard Input (KAM) |
3 | | Display Control Characters |
4 | | Insert Mode (IRM) |
8 | | (used by other terminals) |
12 | | Send-Receive Mode |
20 | | Linefeed mode |
?1 | | Cursor Key Format (DECCKM) |
?2 | | Reserved for VT52 Emulators (DECANM) |
?3 | | 132 Column Mode (DECCOLM) |
?4 | | Enable Slow Scrolling (DECSCLM) |
?5 | | Reverse Display Colors (DECSCNM) |
?6 | | Cursor Origin (DECOM) |
?7 | | Wraparound Mode (DECAWM) |
?8 | | Repeat Held Keys |
?9 | | Mouse Click-Only Tracking (X10_MOUSE) |
?10 | | Show Toolbar |
?12 | | Cursor Blinking (ATT610_BLINK) |
?13 | | Read-Only: User Cursor Blink Setting |
?14 | | Read-Only: User Cursor Blink Combination Setting |
?18 | | End Print Screen with Form Feed (DECPFF) |
?19 | | Limit Print Screen to Scrolling Region (DECPEX) |
?25 | | Cursor visible (DECTCEM) |
?30 | | Show scrollbar (RXVT_SCROLLBAR) |
?34 | | (used by other terminals) |
?35 | | Enable Some Terminal Keyboard Shortcuts |
?38 | | Reserved (DECTEK) |
?40 | | Enable Support for Mode ?3 (132COLS) |
?41 | | XTerm more(1) workaround |
?42 | | Activate DEC National Character Set Mode (DECNRCM) |
?44 | | Enable Margin Bell (MARGIN_BELL) |
?45 | | Reverse Wrap Mode (REVERSEWRAP) |
?46 | | Enable Logging to File |
?47 | | Alternate Screen Buffer (ALTBUF) |
?66 | | Application Keypad Mode (DECNKM) |
?67 | | Backspace Sends Delete (DECBKM) |
?69 | | left and right margin (DECLRMM) |
?80 | | Reserved for Sixel Emulation |
?95 | | Do not Clear Screen on Mode ?3 Change (DECNCSM) |
?800 | | (used by other terminals) |
?801 | | (used by other terminals) |
?1000 | | Mouse Down+Up Tracking |
?1001 | | Mouse Highlight Mode |
?1002 | | Mouse Click and Dragging Tracking |
?1003 | | Mouse Tracking with Movement |
?1004 | | Report Focus Change |
?1005 | | Mouse Report Format multibyte |
?1006 | | Mouse Reporting Format Digits |
?1007 | | Send Cursor Keys on Mouse Wheel on Alternative Screen |
?1010 | | Inhibit Scroll on Application Output |
?1011 | | Scroll on Keyboard Input |
?1015 | | Mouse Reporting Format URXVT |
?1021 | | Bold/Blinking cells are also bright. |
?1034 | | Alt + Key Sends Character with High Bit Set |
?1035 | | Ignore Keypad Application Mode When Numlock is Active |
?1036 | | Alt + Key Sends Esc as Prefix. |
?1037 | | Delete Key sends DEL |
?1039 | | Additional Modifier + Key Sends Esc as Prefix. |
?1040 | | Keep Clipboard Contents |
?1041 | | Select Clipboard or Middle Click Paste |
?1042 | | Terminal Bell Sets Window 'Needs Attention' |
?1043 | | Terminal Bell Raises/Activates Window |
?1044 | | Mode TODO ?1044 |
?1046 | | Allow Alternate Screen Buffer |
?1047 | | Alternate Screen Buffer, With Clear on Exit |
?1048 | | Cursor Save/Restore for use with Alternate Screen Buffer |
?1049 | | Alternate Screen Buffer, With Cursor Save and Clear on Enter |
?1050 | | Use "tcap" Keyboard Mapping |
?1051 | | Use "Sun" Keyboard Mapping |
?1052 | | Use "HP" Keyboard Mapping |
?1053 | | Use "SCO" Keyboard Mapping |
?1060 | | Use "Legacy" Keyboard Mapping |
?1061 | | Use "VT220" Keyboard Mapping |
?1070 | | Reserved for Sixel Emulation |
?2001 | | experimental: Left Click Moves Cursor |
?2002 | | experimental: Middle Click Moves Cursor |
?2003 | | experimental: Right Double Click Removes Word |
?2004 | | Bracketed Paste Mode |
?2005 | | experimental: On Paste Prefix Each Byte with Ctrl-V |
?2006 | | experimental: On Paste do not Translate LF to CR |
?2017 | | (used by other terminals) |
?2026 | | (used by other terminals) |
?2500 | | (used by other terminals) |
?2501 | | (used by other terminals) |
?8452 | | Reserved for Sixel Emulation |