Set decoration color as RGB values.
The color is specified as separate values for each color component. Values are in the range 0 to 255 (inclusive). The order is red, green, blue.
This has multiple possible forms.
Attribute | ||
(1) | 48:2:Ⓝ:Ⓝ:Ⓝ | |
(2) | 48:2:Ⓝ:Ⓝ:Ⓝ:Ⓝ | the first Ⓝ is supposed to be a color space indication, but is just ignored in practice; additional subparameters are ignored |
(3) | 48;2:Ⓝ:Ⓝ:Ⓝ | additional subparameters are ignored |
(4) | 48;2;Ⓝ;Ⓝ;Ⓝ |
vte supports forms 1 and 4. Form 2 is supported when the color space id is empty (defaulted). Any digit in the color space id prevents this form from working (subparameters are still consumed)
vte uses a reduced color resolution of (r4,g5,b4) internally.
🛆 Subparameters make the whole sequence ignored.