Change background color to specific palette color.
This has multiple possible forms.
Attribute | ||
(1) | 48:5:Ⓝ | additional subparameters are ignored |
(2) | 48;5:Ⓝ | additional subparameters are ignored |
(3) | 48;5;Ⓝ |
The color palette can be modified by change/read palette color, set attribute replacement colors, alias: activate/deactivate attribute replacement colors, activate/deactivate attribute replacement colors, reset palette colors and reset attribute replacement colors.
See 256 color foreground for the default palette.
urxvt only supports form 3
xterm supports forms 1, 2 and 3.
xterm supports forms 1 and 3.
konsole only supports form 3
🛈 linuxvc only supports form 3. 🛈 linuxvc uses a hardcoded palette. (even colors 0-15 need not match named colors) 🛆 linuxvc approximates from an 8 color (non bright basic colors) palette using just the high bit of the color components.